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4 November 2024
Zawiadomienie o połączeniu spółek

Informujemy, że dnia 31 października 2024 roku nastąpiło połączenie spółki HUTA „ZABRZE” Spółka akcyjna z siedzibą w Zabrzu (41-800) przy ul. Mikulczyckiej 13 (KRS 0000135242) (Spółka Przejmująca) ze spółką BSK Return S.A. Sp. K. (dawnej: Anguilla Investment Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.) z siedzibą w Zabrzu (41-800), ul. Mikulczycka 13 (KRS 0000332435) (Spółka Przejmowana) w trybie przewidzianym w przepisie art. 492 § 1 pkt 1 Kodeksu spółek handlowych tj. przez przeniesienie całego majątku Spółki Przejmowanej na Spółkę Przejmującą.

Zawiadomienie o połączeniu spółek [PDF, 0.3MB]

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10 June 2024
Aneks nr 1 do planu połączenia

Aneks nr 1 do planu połączenia

Spółki Anguilla Investment Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością Spółka Komandytowa z siedzibą w Zabrzu
ze Spółką Huta „Zabrze” Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Zabrzu

Aneks nr 1 do planu połączenia [PDF, 6MB]

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29 February 2024
Plan połączenia

Plan połączenia

Spółki Anguilla Investment Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością Spółka Komandytowa z siedzibą w Zabrzu
ze Spółką Huta “Zabrze” Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Zabrzu

Plan połączenia [PDF, 9MB]

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  • 1782 – The first mention about the running ironworks in city of Zabrze
  • 1850 – 1852 – launch of the first two great furnaces
  • 1871  – build of water tower
  • 1873  – start using the electric current in the plant. In 1885, two dynamos, then (1887-1890) run another 4 generators.
  • 1881 – the company receives its own railway siding. Half of the 80s of the XIX century – a general reconstruction of great furnace department.
  • 1898 – build of woodworking workshop combined with pattern shop.
  • 1899 – launch of modern department of steel construction. There is produced construction of the main railway station in Wroclaw, and also covering the platforms of the old railway station in Katowice.
  • 1902 – building the first extract machine in Upper Silesia,.
  • 1900 – build of the “Upper Silesian Tower” on organized in 1911 in Poznan “Exhibition of German East”. The aim of this project is to present the organizational, manufacturing and financial capabilities of industries in Upper Silesia.
  • Beginning the XX. century – company founded the patronage housing for employees. Arise, eg: kindergarten, department store, plants fire brigade (1907), building of the management (1907), residential buildings, a casino with a concert hall (1901), library (1911), indoor swimming pool (1904), indoor gym, home for the elderly , two schools for children, household school for girls, school crafts, and emergency room. The creation of the ironworkspark, in which is the villa, designed for director of the group and the neoclassical building, serving the company’s board. The entire complex of buildings consists 2350 apartments, located in 225 homes.
  • 1929 – 1932 – Liquidation of the great furnace department
  • World War II – subordination of company to armaments production 
  • January 1945 – the offensive of Soviet and Polish armies. After entering to the Zabrze Red Army, plant is subordinated to the command of the Soviet military. The plant loses 90% of technical equipment, completely destroyed are pipe foundry and powerhouse.
  • The July 1945 – Ironworks is subordinated to the Central Board to the of Metallurgical Industry subordinated to Ministry of Industry and Trade. There is a reconstruction of the plant. The plant employs 1,3 thousand workers, mainly produces ingot molds designed for metallurgy industry.
  • 1946 – nationalization of the plant, growth of employment, the purchase of new equipment, increase of production. Restoration of Ironwork is carried out within the 3-year plan (1947-1949)
  • 1959 – expansion of the company. Department receives a new coat of arms. In place used until 1945 the initials “DH”, it was introduced one-span bridge lattice woven in the sprocket. On the bridge bearing the capital letter “Z”.
  • The turn of the 60s and 70s – Huta Zabrze serves as a major supplier of metallurgical equipment in Poland. Huta Zabrze participate in the modernization of the mills. Products of HZ are exported all over the world. Exports concerns mainly electric-arc furnaces, for heat treatment, equipment of coking plants, wagon tipplers, cranes, elements of the blast furnaces, welded steel constructions, ingot molds and iron and steel castings. 
  • 1991 to 1993 – Environmental protection requirements have led to the liquidation of two iron foundries. In its place arises a modern iron foundry, which has two electric induction furnaces with a capacity of 6 tons, each produced by the Swiss company ABB.
  • 1992-1997 – Structural transformations associated with the privatization of Huta Zabrze
  • 1997 – 54% of the shares goes to the company, owned by Leszek Kulawik. In June the same year were appointed three new companies, created from departments of the plant.
  • 2007 – Changing the ownership structure of the plant. The majority of shares purchase the company BSK Return from Zawiercie.