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4 November 2024
Zawiadomienie o połączeniu spółek

Informujemy, że dnia 31 października 2024 roku nastąpiło połączenie spółki HUTA „ZABRZE” Spółka akcyjna z siedzibą w Zabrzu (41-800) przy ul. Mikulczyckiej 13 (KRS 0000135242) (Spółka Przejmująca) ze spółką BSK Return S.A. Sp. K. (dawnej: Anguilla Investment Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.) z siedzibą w Zabrzu (41-800), ul. Mikulczycka 13 (KRS 0000332435) (Spółka Przejmowana) w trybie przewidzianym w przepisie art. 492 § 1 pkt 1 Kodeksu spółek handlowych tj. przez przeniesienie całego majątku Spółki Przejmowanej na Spółkę Przejmującą.

Zawiadomienie o połączeniu spółek [PDF, 0.3MB]

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10 June 2024
Aneks nr 1 do planu połączenia

Aneks nr 1 do planu połączenia

Spółki Anguilla Investment Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością Spółka Komandytowa z siedzibą w Zabrzu
ze Spółką Huta „Zabrze” Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Zabrzu

Aneks nr 1 do planu połączenia [PDF, 6MB]

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29 February 2024
Plan połączenia

Plan połączenia

Spółki Anguilla Investment Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością Spółka Komandytowa z siedzibą w Zabrzu
ze Spółką Huta “Zabrze” Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Zabrzu

Plan połączenia [PDF, 9MB]

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Environment protection

After the Polish accession to the European Union plant had to meet very restrictive EU law, which caused a fundamental change in approach to environmental protection. Currently, an important principle followed by the Board of Huta Zabrze is the principle of sustainable development, which calls for preserving environmental resources and values ​​in a condition for the possibility of their use by present and future generations. Under the IPPC Directive about the integrated pollution prevention and reduction, imposed on industrial companies the requirements of implementing best available technology requirements of BAT. The law also imposes obligations confidentiality emission and resource consumption and obtaining integrated permits to operate.

 In the last few years Huta Zabrze has taken many steps to regulate the environment. Therefore, the plant has undergone many modernization works in the process lines and infrastructure changes. Basic activities to fulfill obligations toward the state and society, Huta Zabrze obtain all necessary permits to operate. The plant has an approved hazardous waste management program in both plants and the appropriate permits concerning waste. Regular fees for using the environment are paid. Moreover, in 2007. decided to implement in their structures Integrated Quality Management System and Environmental Management incompliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


According to Management System the Board developed and validated the Environmental, and Quality Policy, where he declares clearly that primary duty of the Board and staff is the realization of of production and services to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. This applies both to the manufacturing processes of products, services and purchases of materials and resources used in these processes.


Management System implemented in Huta Zabrze ensure carrying out activities associated with significant environmental aspects identified in accordance with the relevant system procedure for all of these areas of the HZ, which have an impact on the environment.


 Environmental objectives and targets have been defined and are monitored at all organizational levels.


 The main environmental targets include:

• analyze production and administrative processes to reduce their energy consumption and production of waste and their optimal use,

• monitoring air emissions and reduction of fees for using the environment,

• reduction of energy costs, other media and materials and supplies,

• minimization of adverse impacts on the environment by raising awareness among employees and an emphasis on economical management of resources at given tasks.


Environmental Action Plan include a breakdown of the environmental objectives for long-and short-term, and defines measurable indicators of achievement of those objectives. To achieve its objectives, the Board of Huta Zabrze out the following activities:

• continuously improving the implemented system,

• creates an appropriate atmosphere for the involvement of all employees to work for environmental protection,

• monitors suppliers of products and services and inform them about requirements,

• provides training to improve skills of staff,

• monitors the processes and their environmental characteristics,

• monitors the environmental aspects.

As conceived and planned activities, and created documentation, ensure minimizing the negative impact of the Department on the environment.